Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Am I stupid? or Silly? or TOLOL?

After the introduction a year ago, I was so easily become like and idiot!
Once you come again and I would forgive and be stupid!
Once you recognize and I'm just not mad! Stupid indeed!
After becoming my girlfriend! (If stupid)!
After knowing that you left me a month ago because someone else!
And then you leave that person with me! Stupid indeed!
And I still accept you!
Love? It's stupid!
Until very often get caught if I made a fool! And I'm not mad!
Just put a flat face!
I may be dumb you think!
Until I nyadar when you said I was stupid!
Even a fool!
The question: "why do you want the same people STUPID? Then the FOOL who? "

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